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Gas to Electric: The World Saving Conversion 

Gas cars are out of style. For standard driving use, the benefits of electric cars far outweighs the pros of using a gas car. The basic combustion engine vehicle that does not provide any inherent value to a person or the car industry should have to be electric in the near future. This is not just to benefit humans, but for the health of the planet as well. Looking through the lens of beneficial electrification, we can see how the current use of gas is not equal to the benefits of electric vehicles, why the push towards sustainability will help the transition, and see the long term benefits of making the switch. 

First, let’s look at why gas is still a thing of the present and is not already in the past. Many takes can be made for this topic, however, there are some standout features of this conversation. If you have something that is working, why get rid of it? This is a question that is currently holding back the transition of gas cars to electric vehicles. We have a plentiful amount of gas currently, making it hard to see the extreme need to switch off of gasoline based cars. However, gas is not infinite, compared to electricity, meaning the switch will have to happen eventually. According to World Oil Statistics, “it has about 47 years of oil left.” This statistic is based on current consumption levels, and our rate is increasing by the year. This may seem like a lot of time, however, this is the amount of time until we hit zero. The years leading up to this will be ravaged with war and fights for who gets the last couple of drops. This can all be prevented by making the switch to electric cars for the standard car on the road today. When I say “standard car”, I am referring to the basic sedan or SUV that is not special in any way. In short, any car that is not a supercar or work of art. My theory is that if all gas cars are eliminated, you will lose a lot of vehicles that have been developed that have pushed the world of car engineering to unimaginable heights. This is the class of cars such as Ferraris, McLarens, Bugattis, Lamborghinis, and more. Also, these cars have such a small market share that their carbon output is nearly immeasurable. However, the average commuter vehicle or standard family car has no significant meaning in the auto world, and therefore should be replaced with an electric alternative. 

Next, let’s look at why electric vehicles beat gasoline-run cars. Electric cars can now achieve nearly the equivalent range on a full charge as a comparable vehicle that is using a combustion engine can travel. This advancement is comparable because the battery technology has significantly improved over the past few years. On top of the range improving, the cost of batteries has fallen dramatically, making the electric cars nearly equal to the price of their comparable gas car. Performance wise, electric cars are quicker and better handling, due to their instant acceleration and lower center of gravity due to the battery below the car. For safety reasons, the electric cars also far outperform the gas counterpart. This is due to the structure of the car, as an electric vehicle has nothing in front of the driver, allowing for a substantially larger crumple zone, keeping the impact of a crash away from the driver. This also allows for more cargo space in an electric car versus the gas car, as there is much more open room where the transmission, engine, and exhaust units would be if it were to run on gasoline. 

Diving deeper into the aspect of an electric car, many people would say, “Isn’t it still bad for the environment since it is charging off of an unclean grid?” This statement is true for the portion of vehicles charging off of a 100% unclean energy fueled grid, however, majority of grid networks for power are currently transitioning to a more sustainable source of energy, making the electric cars run off of cleaner power. Also, if you have solar panels on your home, you can charge your car off of solar power, essentially meaning your car is fueled by sunshine. This can be an infinite loop that can be accessed around the world indefinitely. According to the U.S Energy Information Administration, “In 2019, renewable energy sources accounted for about 11% of total U.S energy consumption and about 17% of electricity generation.” This statistic has only grown in the past year and a half, as renewable energy and sustainable approaches continue to grow and show their benefits for use over a gas-based alternative. Also, the sales of electric cars have gone up dramatically. 

All in all, standard-use combustion-engine vehicles need to be switched to an electric vehicle alternative. Making the switch is essential to a clean future for not only us humans, but the Earth as a whole. Switching from gas cars to electric has a plentiful amount of benefits. In conclusion, the benefits of an electric car far outweigh the positives of a gas car, and the transition needs to happen.